In TCS kindergarten we work so hard on the child’s personality because that’s what really matters. Making our learners dream of coming to school the next day with a smile on their faces is one of our most important goals. In TCS kindergarten we implant morals as well as education. It has become the best place for our learners and we will keep on working hard to go even further.

Cycle 1 is an exciting time of discovery for our beloved young students in which they learn, using all their senses, to make connections between the written word with pictures, ideas and concepts. We also believe that this is the opportunity to help them learn routines which help them to be organized, not only for school, but for life.

TCS makes learning fun! We do this in many ways both inside and outside the classroom.  Activities in class and outside of class connect learning to life and develop a spirit of community. We also choose activities to help remind the children to care both for themselves as well as for others. As they continue to grow, they learn how to order their own lives and how to better order their own world.

Cycle 2 is a foundational time in the lives of our students. Beginning to cover a more comprehensive range of academic subjects while developing both physically and emotionally, the administrative team at TCS works to further develop this growth through the promotion of:

  • The use modern methods of learning based on activities and technology.
  • Integrating learners into society through participation in a number of social activities (such as visiting a nursing home, hosting a lunch for children from disadvantaged families, fund raising for cancer centers, and other events both national and international).
  • Giving attention to the individual talents and abilities of our learners through participation in varied sporting, artistic and scientific events.

Each student matters to us and our hope is that they will love being at TCS as much as we love having them here.

In its intermediate and secondary program, TCS aims to have a well-rounded program that balances academics with extra-curricular activities. Why? Because learning and life go together. We seek to foster discipline and motivation from within our students to make them mature, eager, independent learners. We also seek to distinguish our school by caring about the whole student. We not only focus on academic achievement, with concern for their minds, but we seek to develop hearts and morals with the hope of furthering them as productive and responsible world-citizens.

Tyre Community School